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Spring/Summer Series &


May | June | July

join us for these special EVEntS

Are you spiritually curious and ready to dip your toe into some fun and magical concepts, presented in simple and grounded ways?

Do you feel as though you have lost your sense of hope and feel a pull to reset your connection to your faith and spirituality?

No matter which end of the spectrum you are on, we have something for you!

These pop-up events are the perfect sprinkle of fun and inspiration to add to your spring and summer adventures, without taking away from your other plans!

Upcoming Workshops

We are pleased to offer these 90-minute workshops on a pay-what-you-wish basis, please chose the price that feels great to you!



A perspective on karma

In this eye opening event we will discuss one philosophy on how Karma gets created – and it may not be what you think!  Karma very much plays into patterns you can’t seem to free yourself from, as well areas of life where that feel completely out of control. The good news is, that you can change this! Participants will be guided through a journaling exercise and healing meditation to come more into a conscious relationship with their karma as a first step to begin to transmute the past and move forward with present time choice. This event is 90mins and will be recorded if you can’t attend live.


1 - 2:30PM MT | Tuesday, May 21st | Zoom

$By Donation (click suggested amount below to edit)

A Perspective on Karma Wokshop

Payment form powered by PayPal and Simple Payment Module for Divi




In this fun workshop you will learn about a some different philosophies when it comes to ways dreams can be interpreted, and then we will do a guided meditation to tune into one of your own dreams via your intuition. You’ll be held in a container of curiosity to explore what your dream means by tapping into the power of your subconscious and higher self mind! This event is 90mins and will be recorded if you can’t attend live.


1 - 2:30PM MT | Tuesday, June 4th | Zoom

$By Donation (click suggested amount below to edit)

Dream Interpretation Wokshop

Payment form powered by PayPal and Simple Payment Module for Divi



Parallel Lives: the art of timeline jumping

What if what you desire already exists? What if all time and space exists now?  This idea takes us beyond the concept of “Past Lives” and brings everything to here and now.  In this workshop we will entertain the concept of Parallel Lives, and then you will be guided through a powerful meditation to tap into another timeline where something already exists that you are yearning for in your life.  We’ll then bring that energy into alignment with your conscious awareness here.  You will be amazed at how this technique will bring what you desire to life. This event is 90mins and will be recorded if you can’t attend live.


1-2:30PM MT | Tuesday, June 18th

$By Donation (click suggested amount below to edit)

Parallel Lives Wokshop

Payment form powered by PayPal and Simple Payment Module for Divi

Summer Series



Finding Faith

When we struggle, it’s easy to lose sight of something greater than ourselves, leaving us feeling lost in the chaos. Sometimes, we need to hit the reset button on what faith means to us. Whether it’s breaking free from religious dogma that no longer serves us or rediscovering the magic in the universe that once fueled our spirits, this workshop is all about rewiring our present time relationship to faith. 

If you could use a little help re-connecting to your own personal sense of faith, please join us for this 4-week series where we will traverse through meaningful discussions with others who have felt lost, utilize guided meditations to tap into what is true for you, surrender to a felt sense of hope within, and renew a belief that you are held by something bigger than you. Truly know what hope feels like in your body, and see how that can create a ripple effect in the tapestry of support that is available to you beyond the logical mind. Each weekly event meets for 90mins, and will be recorded if you can’t attend live.


1-2:30PM MT | Tuesdays, July 9-30th | Zoom

$233, for the 4-wk series

Finding Faith 4-Week Series

Payment form powered by PayPal and Simple Payment Module for Divi

Rt. Rev. Stacia Synnestvedt

Intuitive Teacher, Healer, and Ordained Non-denominational Minister.

Rev. Stacia has been training in, and facilitating, this work since 2006.  She is a trained Clairvoyant & Healer, an Ordained Minister, a and certified Intuitive Meditation Teacher.

A gifted healer and guide, Stacia presents spiritual concepts in a grounded and easy to understand way. Her students and clients often remark how compassionate and light-hearted Stacia holds the space for transformation.

Stacia prides herself in “walking the talk” and truly lives these concepts in her everyday life.  She will share real-world examples of how these ideologies have shaped her own experiences, as well as the lives of those she works with.

“It is my life’s mission to support others as they become more and more conscious in their evolution.  It is an honor to hold space for people as they transform themselves with the help of their intuition.  I have been teaching these tools and techniques for two decades and it is still completely humbling every time I see the beauty and power of the change people invoke within.”

No matter what level you are at in relationship with your intuition and spiritual awareness, these offerings will certainly offer you some new perspectives and inspire your curiosity in new directions.  Please come ready to widen your perspective on life – and have some fun along the way! 

WooVersity | The Study of Energy

Mind · Body · Spirit

Doors open soon

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