How To Read Auras & Past Lives
An e-course to learn simple, yet powerful techniques to read energetic and spiritual information. Including important methods to clear your energy and set energetic boundaries; as well as easy to access visualizations to learn how to read & interpret aura layers and past lives.
Cost: $521
We all have innate intuitive abilities, or a sixth sense that we can exercise, and this course is a wonderful way to tap into the true meaning of “psychic” – which simply means relating to or connection of the soul. Everyone has the ability to access this information, and it can be so fun!
Life-changing practices!
In this mini e-course, utilizing a proven step-by-step process to clearly access your intuition, you will be led through meditations to understand more about your own energy field and spiritual information. These techniques are truly useful for every-day life, and also super fun for those wanting to know more about how more esoteric concepts of AURA LAYERS & PAST LIVES have daily life connotations!
In this program you will:
Create a New Relationship with Your Energy Field
Learn techniques to ground yourself; set healthy personal and energetic boundaries; run energy to clear and own your space – all important foundational practices to have before intentionally opening up your awareness to reading energetic and spiritual information.
Learn to Read Energy
Learn to read past lives, aura layers, and even take a spiritual adventure to the Askashic Records! Begin to understand basic principals behind these practices to help you interpret the information and what it means for yourself and others!
Find Out What Each Aura Layer Represents
You’ll see how reading each aura layer can give specific information into different aspects of life, such as: survival, health, wellness, emotions, creativity, sexuality, personal power, affinity/love, communication, intuition, and knowingness/connection to spirit, as well as how one might be showing themselves to the world. Tuning into this information can help you to understand yourself, in any give moment, from a new level of awareness.
Gain Understanding In How Past Lives Affect The Present Day
When you begin to see your soul’s journey from lifetime to lifetime, you will have a whole new perspective on why some patterns show up in your life, where you might be blocked and why, as well as know where certain levels of wisdom and talents come from.
Tune Into Your Wisdom
Gain conscious awareness of your wisdom as a spirit; help yourself and others without giving away your energies.
Trust Your Intuition More
Develop certainty and trust in your intuition through a proven format of meditations and other techniques to understand your empathic tendencies and intuitive knowingness.
Find your Psychic Strength
Begin to understand the difference between clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, etc – everyone has these abilities, and you’ll get a taste into where you naturally tend to sense the unseen (we all do it!), and then begin using the muscles to practice and expand from there!
Each module contains meditation, spiritual teachings and ways to tap into, realign, and own your energy from your intuitive knowingness.
Is Your Soul Calling To You?
The veil is lifting on the planet, more and more people are tuning into their intuitive abilities to help them with this thing called life. See how transformative it can be to understand your energy field and past lives. Cultivate trust in your higher knowing.

Past lives, aura layers and other energy awarenesses are accessible by everyone! Tuning into information in this way is transformational and fun!
Well, we are WooVersity afterall! We are here to bust the myths about what WOO is to each and every individual who is curious. There is a reason you have read this far, right? That probably means you are curious! We strive to deliver the information in a grounded, real-world manner, that is easily translatable into your everyday life. You just might enjoy it!
What people are saying:
Before learning how to read auras or past lives, I always thought that this would be something I could never do myself. I had the belief that there are a couple of gifted intuitives that can access this tool. After only a couple of sessions with Stacia I was totally blown away by my intuitive abilities, getting immediate feedback on the accuracy of my readings. This was definitely the beginning of me trusting my intuitive and psychic potential and not doubting myself all the time. Also, I am grateful that now I have an incredible range of tools that can help my loved ones as well as my clients to understand themselves better and to move forward.

But who am I to invite you on this journey?
Hi, I’m Stacia!
I’m an intuitive teacher & healer.
I have always been highly sensitive, but didn’t realize it for most of my life. I spent most of my childhood sick, and several years of my adult life feeling fatigued, foggy and seeking conventional answers from conventional avenues.
I was left feeling hopeless and confused, with no solutions to my vague problems.
When I stumbled upon a practical course where I learned about energy and its effect on us, it was the answer I was looking for.
At first, I didn’t believe I could read Auras and Past lives, but once I did it was so validating and fun!
I then went on to take a liberating year long Clairvoyant Self-healing Training. I almost missed this life-changing opportunity because I didn’t believe I was intuitive! Boy, was I wrong!
Today, I am a Certified Intuitive Teacher and an Ordained Spiritual Minister.
It is my life’s mission to support others as they transform themselves with the help of their intuition, and I have been teaching these tools and techniques for over a decade.
Ready to bust the myths around intuition and change your life?
No matter what level you are at in relationship with your intuition, this year long training will enhance your abilities and your life! Please join me!
The course utilizes a proven toolset to help you access your intuition in a clear and easy to follow format. The premise of this methodology, is that you feel safe and guided as you open up to your sixth-sense. As you practice with yourself and others, you will receive validation, insights, and trust in your intuition like never before.
Included in the course:
- Modules in your online dashboard – listen at your convenience
- Each meditation is a 45-60 minute audio recording
- The Reclaim Your Space Course + How To Read Energy Tools & Teachings
- Email support
Opportunities for:
- Special offers to join private group reading practice as you progress in the content
- Upgrades to private one-on-one intuitive support
- Bonus classes/topics: Adventure to The Akashic Records to learn more and also meet your Past Life Librarian, Your “Record Keeper”
All to enhance your journey as you:
- Learn techniques to set energetic boundaries
- Discover How To Read Energy: within yourself and give readings to others!
- Open up to the expansive abilities of your 6th sense in a certain, safe and controllable way
- Work with the wisdom of aura layers
- Journey through past lives & Akashic Records teachings
Join the journey today!